What is Illuminati brotherhood? the Fraternity is one of the world’s most historic membership organizations, a 300-year-old worldwide fraternity of like-minded people committed to bettering themselves and their communities. Illuminati encompasses a series of moral teachings based on allegory and the symbolism of ancient Fraternities. But we’re so much more than our history. What is illuminati brotherhood objective? We’re here to find friendship, purpose, and connection. Join now
At its core, Illuminati is about:
Our secret isn’t ancient rituals or secret ceremonies. It’s our members. Meet some of them here. Our members come from all backgrounds and all walks of life. The average age of new members is about 36.
With a mission that last thousands of years and outlasts governments, the Illuminati defends humanity in all locations and generations. Many people believe that our protection equates to a restriction of freedom, despite the fact that trillions of lives depend on our guidance. Although everyone wants to be free from oppression and adversity, complete freedom is unattainable; there are some boundaries that are advantageous to society.
Our anonymity allows us to remain impartial and dedicated to everyone while adjusting to changing times. We may not fully understand our purpose, but we provide peace to those who follow our instructions. You are free to choose your own route; we don’t push anyone. For individuals who are looking for guidance, our societal symbols act as a map. (Note: The Illuminati has nothing to do with Jay-Z’s “Roc” insignia.)
Adam Weishaupt, a Bavarian professor of canon law, started the radical Illuminati secret society in Europe in 1776 when he was 28 years old. Anti-clerical and anti-royal, the Illuminati aimed to infiltrate and upset powerful institutions. They created a plan for the global subversion of the church, state, royalty, and society.
Weishaupt aimed to abolish all religions and obliterate every government so mankind could live happily in a world of equality. He foresaw the economy operating under a ‘communism of goods’ structure overseen by an enlightened (illuminated) elite over which he presided.
The Order was represented by the Owl of Minerva, which in Greek mythology traditionally accompanies Athena the virgin goddess of wisdom. Another Illuminati emblem was a dot within a circle that symbolized the all-seeing eye which belonged not to God, but to a superior Illuminati watching over the lower ranks.
“When he could not persuade them by his own firmness… he employed Jesuitical tricks, causing them to fall out with each other, setting them as spies on each other, and separating any two that he saw attached to each other, by making the one a Master of the other; and, in short, he left nothing is undone that could secure his uncontrolled command,” according to John Robison, author of Proofs of a Conspiracy.
Recruits had to supply the names of their ancestors, relations, friends, correspondents, and enemies. They were asked to recommend appropriate people to be received into the Order and to list those who might be unfit, justifying reasons for both opinions. They were told to pay attention to the conduct of other men around them and report back weekly about public or private occurrences.
Illuminati who betrayed the Order were threatened with death.
After three years of one-on-one study with their Illuminati tutor, recruits were asked to sign an oath to uphold the society’s goals upon the punishment of death.
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