The Illuminati's Purpose

The Illuminati’s purpose is to secure the ongoing survival of the human species.

The human species naturally works to prevent extinction, just like all other organisms. Despite the boundaries of your nations and the difficulties posed by your languages, everyone is a part of the same biological family everywhere. Every human being is a part of the community that sustains humanity.

You are as vital to the survival of your species as the greatest kings and queens, even though you are but a little speck on the back of a grain of sand in comparison to the enormous number of humans who have been born and decomposed over millennia.


But by nature, the human is affected by instinct, emotion, and imbalance.

For reasons that won’t matter in a thousand years and probably won’t matter in a hundred or ten, a human will turn against its own species. There are millions of people who have their backs on the Light’s brilliance, even if you have chosen to pursue it after seeing it in the distance out of pure curiosity.

For the benefit of everyone, everywhere, and at every age, the Illuminati runs a number of departments and initiatives. Our group has guaranteed the continued dominance of the human species over all other animals and predators on this planet by defending the interests of humanity as a whole.


The Light is our source.
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