The Illuminati is a select group of influential people from around the world who strive to advance the interests of humanity as a whole; it is not a church, religion, political party, or nonprofit. All human divisions, even political and religious ones, have no bearing on our choices. We don’t require anything of our residents in terms of personal worship, morals, or beliefs because we only work for the good of the human race that we have been entrusted to safeguard.
People that adhere to the Illuminati’s principles and apply to join our group are frequently referred to as Illuminatiam adherents. As long as their beliefs are always in the best interests of the human race as a whole, individuals are free to follow any values and select any course in life they like. Illuminatiam members understand that each component must be unique in order for the group to function as a whole, eschewing religious, geographic, and generational divides. The beliefs of the Illuminati
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