Life is a map that is drawn by your decisions. Every day, the maze of existence presents you with hundreds of pathways and you must select a direction through your choices.
Your ability to discern between the simplest choices can mean the difference between a life of wealth or poverty, sickness or health, conflict or peace. A small decision that you make today may be the catalyst that sends you on the road to your goals — though you will never know how important this choice is until you reach the end and look back.
Many seek a reward before they have prepared to receive it. A gambler can suddenly obtain a fortune but lose it all because he did not have the knowledge of how to save it. An artist can become an overnight superstar but find herself trapped in scandals because she did not take the time to gain experience while she was still unknown. A president can gain the highest power but find that the pyramid’s top is a lonely place if he lacks the wisdom to choose honest advisors.
If you seek greatness, is it not better to spend your time preparing for it instead of simply thinking of how much you deserve it? If you cannot learn to manage your life with a little, how can you expect to manage it with a lot? Spend every waking hour in pursuit of your goals and every minute between in search of the knowledge you will need when you finally reach them.
The power of a ritual is not found in its movements but rather in the state of mind that results in its participants. When facing important decisions, our members call upon the knowledge and wisdom they have gained through our traditions to find the steps they must take to achieve greatness.
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